I remember a vet telling me years ago that most old dogs are quite blind and deaf but their owners don’t know because dogs navigate their way around their own home and familiar streets so well, (using other senses such as sound and proprioception). All good as...
Well the move to Newcastle was great, running around to all the beaches and lake walks and dog friendly parks 3 x daily, fabulous… now I need to keep my dogs entertained during lockdown! Challenge is to fight boredom, restriction, lack of interaction with other...
The move to Newcastle has gone well. My first job was to source appropriate dog parks, and dog and house minders. Locals are very friendly but what a difference in dog parks. My first contact was great (Facebook group with local off leash park, scored a new pram for...
What are the most common injuries that physios see in dogs? Probably would have to be a competition between cruciate injuries and spinal problems… A really common story is “my dog was chasing a ball, or running in the park, suddenly yelped, held his leg up, and...
Acupuncture vs Dry Needling… Which should I choose? Maybe neither… and why you should make sure you see someone qualified. General rant… What’s in a word, title, label.. Lots of terminology around regarding treatments and practices for animals...